
Empowering moms in their low milk supply journey.

  • education about low milk supply
  • guidance navigating breastfeeding
  • advocacy for you and your baby’s health
  • strategic coaching in preparation for future pregnancies
  • and support in processing your journey

We at Milkmade Mama believe that low milk supply is the symptom, and not the problem.

Far too many mama’s suffer through low milk production without resources available to help navigate what they are going through, understand what’s causing their milk supply problem, and how to optimize making more milk. Knowledge and empowerment are critical in your journey. We are here to provide that step by step support because it shouldn’t be this hard to feed and provide for your baby!

Low milk supply isn’t something any mama should go through alone!

We are here to help you and offer different options in supporting mamas through their journey. Explore your options that we offer below!

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